Fast Shipping

All orders received by 4:00pm Eastern Standard Time (EST) at any time are sent on the same day. Time-sensitive packages may be delayed due to weather extremes, holidays and the sale.

It is possible to receive your purchase within 2-5 workdays. While the postal service may provide you with a an estimate of delivery time, this can\’t be confirmed.


You must initiate the return process for our boutique products within 30 days from the date you received these items. Returns after the time limit of 30 days aren\’t allowed. Contact us immediately for a prompt return.

You must request the refund within 50 days from the purchase date. After the refund is processed the refund could take 10 days or longer for the money to show up in your bank account.

Items of equal or lesser value are not able to be exchanged for those that were purchased in the past sixty calendar days.